A Drop-In Center
With a focus on the Arts, Recovery Workshops & Support Groups
Participants are free to choose from a wide array of visual and performance arts. Classes feature Personalized Instruction & individual studio time, allowing each participant to create according to their own "muse"
Director: Nicole Storrs

Program Initiative:
2023 Consumer Mental Health Support Services Update:
634 individuals completed member applications and attended programs at 9Muses Art Center.
24 unique peer-facilitated creativity and wellness activities are hosted at 9Muses weekly.
119 members engaged in Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP).
486 individuals participated in individual and group peer mentoring activities.
6 six-week curricula covering diverse arts modalities have been executed by staff and members.
6,134 adult mentoring contact units were delivered.
4200+ calls were supported by 27 SETH Line volunteers.
178 individuals have been enrolled in the Power of Peers Program from In-Patient Mental Health facilities in Broward County.
1,234 empowerment and training hours were contributed to 9Muses Art Center by five (3) different universities.

Drop-In Center Participation
The 9Muses Art Center is an adult services Drop-In Center for use by individuals who have a history of Mental Illness or are currently dealing with a Mental Illness.
The drop-in center is a peer-operated service that offers free services for anyone who meets the above-mentioned criteria. The primary purpose is to provide a safe and secure environment that supports individual recovery through mutual support.
Membership is available to others as well who do not meet criteria; however, a nominal fee is expected to help defray the costs associated with their participation. It is the policy of the drop-in center that other professional staff (case managers, peer mentors, etc.) may accompany individuals to the center as support for transportation, however, are not to provide other support functions for the individual who is participating. This is to encourage social interaction among peers and to encourage full participation in the activities being offered by the drop-in center.
Other professional staff may engage in the drop-in center only by completing a membership application and becoming a member of the drop-in center. Professional staff may be asked to accompany individuals on a case-by-case basis if the staff believes it would be in the best interest of the individual to be present. In most cases, professional staff is not to be involved with the individual when they are engaged in the services provided by the drop-in center.